El sector cooperativo en los países nórdicos: el ejemplo finlandés

  • Peter Herrmann Central South University, China
  • Juhani Laurinkari University of Eastern Finland, Finlandia
Palabras clave: cooperativas, economía política, países nórdicos, organización social, éxito económico, Finlandia


Si bien la idea cooperativa puede considerarse universal, sus características concretas todavía están muy caracterizadas por las tradiciones nacionales y los entornos sociopolíticos generales. Como reflejo de esto, la contribución investiga la situación en Finlandia. Estas observaciones están estrechamente entrelazadas con reflexiones teóricas en torno a la cuestión de si las cooperativas y el sector cooperativo pueden considerarse como gérmenes o como un desarrollo socioeconómico alternativo, superando el sistema capitalista insostenible y obsesionado con las ganancias.

Recibido: 28 abril 2023 
Aceptado: 19 julio 2023


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Biografía del autor/a

Peter Herrmann, Central South University, China

Degree of Dr. Habil and is Professor at the Human Rights Center of the Law School at the Central South University, Changsha, People’s Republic of China where his position is that of a research fellow. The subjects of his teaching and research include social policy, economics and law in different countries across Europe and beyond. He has also a long-standing experience as an advisor, in particular to NGOs.

Juhani Laurinkari, University of Eastern Finland, Finlandia

He is Ordentlicher Professor and holds a PhD (rer. pol.), and a PhD (rer. soc. oec.) and is Doctor honoris causa of the University of Riga. He served as professor of social policy at the University in Kuopio and was Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of that university. His main research topics cover social policy theory and practice, cooperative systems, international comparative welfare state models, civil society, and economic ethics. He has extensive international experience and several honours in teaching and research. His Publications, books and articles, exceed 238. In 2006 Juhani Laurinkari was awarded the Golden Hannes Gebhard-medal and he was awarded with the First Class Decoration of Finnish White Rose Order of Knighthood. He is full Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, has been Vicedean of its Faculty of Social Sciences, Law and Economics and Juhani Laurinkari heads the Finnish delegation of the Academy.

Cómo citar
Herrmann, Peter, y Juhani Laurinkari. 2024. «El Sector Cooperativo En Los países nórdicos: El Ejemplo finlandés». Deusto Estudios Cooperativos, n.º 23 (enero), 165-88. https://doi.org/10.18543/dec.2890.