La paradoja del sentido del voto emitido por los fondos de pensiones de los sindicatos, en las juntas generales de accionistas de las sociedades cotizadas en los Estados Unidos

  • Iñigo Zavala University of Deusto
Keywords: Union Pension Funds, shareholders proposals, institutional investors, Shareholder Primacy, constituencies, pension system


The cast of the vote by the Union Pension Funds as shareholders activists, is sometimes paradoxical. This is due to the double condition of those funds, as shareholders and as representatives of labor. This twofold position can lead to some conflicts of interest.

Received: 16 September 2013
Accepted: 20 June 2014


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How to Cite
Zavala, Iñigo. 2021. “La Paradoja Del Sentido Del Voto Emitido Por Los Fondos De Pensiones De Los Sindicatos, En Las Juntas Generales De Accionistas De Las Sociedades Cotizadas En Los Estados Unidos”. Deusto Estudios Cooperativos, no. 5 (March), 101-33.