Uso indebido de la figura de la sociedad cooperativa

  • Luis Ángel Díez Ácimas
Keywords: cooperative, fraud, appropriate legislation, oversight


The large number of cooperative societies created in recent years makes us optimistic about their contribution to social development and economic growth. This also leads us to think that there will be an increase in companies of this type in the near future. However, we must draw attention to the fact that many companies are opting for this legal form although their true nature is far from the principles and characteristics of cooperatives. On the other hand, we intend to highlight the need for legislation in this field to respect the essence of the cooperative model and adequate oversight from the various regulatory agencies to ensure compliance with this legislation and cooperative principles.

Received: 22 April 2015
Accepted: 29 May 2015


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Author Biography

Luis Ángel Díez Ácimas

Funcionario de la Administración General del Estado. Ex coordinador de servicios de la Dirección de Economía Local de Castilla y León.

How to Cite
Díez Ácimas, Luis Ángel. 2021. “Uso Indebido De La Figura De La Sociedad Cooperativa”. Deusto Estudios Cooperativos, no. 6 (March), 133-58.