Euskal kooperatiben gardentasun publikoa: aurrerapausoak eta erronkak

  • Itxaso Gallastegi Ormaetxea
Keywords: basque cooperatives, alternative, the challenge of public transparency, specific strategic framework, commitment


Cooperatives are the best alternative in our community to fight the consequences of the global crisis, prevailing capitalist system’s result. At least, some experts believe it, arguing that they are able to both fill the exclusion spaces that have been aggravated and improve the delivery of public services compromised by it. However, for having citizens’ support too, cooperatives should start proving that their usual practices are as fair as responsible, because, perhaps, for not have been aware of its importance, the challenge of public transparency has taken second place in their midst. Thus, basing on the state and regional legislative initiatives, this paper analyzes the obligations the Basque cooperatives could have on transparency’s area. In fact, the inaccuracies and gaps that can be seen about state the need to implement a specific strategic framework, taking always into account the compromise that cooperatives themselves must assume.

Received: 22 October 2015
Accepted: 30 November 2015


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Author Biography

Itxaso Gallastegi Ormaetxea

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Bekadun Predoktorala eta Deustuko Unibertsitateko «Kooperatibismoa,
fiskalitatea, lan-harremanak eta babes soziala» Ikerketa-taldeko laguntzailea.

How to Cite
Gallastegi Ormaetxea, Itxaso. 2021. “Euskal Kooperatiben Gardentasun Publikoa: Aurrerapausoak Eta Erronkak”. Deusto Estudios Cooperativos, no. 7 (March), 65-84.