Régimen tributario actual de las cooperativas en el Perú

  • Indira Navarro Palacios
Keywords: cooperative, transactions with cooperative members, tax regime of cooperatives


The objective of this paper is to approach the tax regime of cooperatives in Peru. A cooperative is an organization that brings together people (members) in order to carry out a common activity characterized by being non-profit and for the benefit of its members (fundamentally obtaining a better price for goods or services in favor of the latter). The cooperative that acts on behalf of its members operates as a fiscally transparent entity, with the effects of its actions falling on its members. It then deserves a tax treatment in accordance with its legal nature. Currently, the tax regime is regulated by Law N.° 29683 (for the ITAN through Law N.° 29717) applicable to all cooperatives except agricultural ones and Law N.° 31335 directed only to agricultural cooperatives.

Recibido: 26 September 2022
Aceptado: 10 November 2022


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Author Biography

Indira Navarro Palacios

Abogada por la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Lima. Máster en Tributación y Política Fiscal por la Escuela de Postgrado de la Universidad de Lima. Socia Principal y Lider del Área Tributaria del Estudio Torres y Torres Lara-Abogados. Asociada Activa y Vocal del Trigésimo Consejo Directivo del Instituto Peruano de Derecho Tributario —IPDT. Asociada Activa de la Asociación Fiscal Internacional (IFA) Grupo Peruano.

How to Cite
Navarro Palacios, Indira. 2022. “Régimen Tributario Actual De Las Cooperativas En El Perú”. Deusto Estudios Cooperativos, no. 20 (December), 171-207. https://doi.org/10.18543/dec.2577.