Educación, formación humana y valores cooperativos: una propuesta de revitalización de las prácticas educativas brasileñas para el rescate del hombre social y fraterno

  • José Eduardo de Miranda
  • Andrea Corrêa Lima
Keywords: education, cooperative values, human training


Modernity brought in its essence the possibility of man to exercise the fullness of his rational capacity, establishing an evolutionary process based on the formation of knowledge and development of science. In a more recent moment, in postmodernity, man loses the sense of sociability and fraternity, and happens to live in his personal interests, away from others and the needs of the world. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the aims of educational levels in Brazil, so that a possibility can be established for changing educational practices, through the use of cooperative values in educational formation as an assumption of Rescue of fraternal and sociable man.

Received: 24 May 2017
Accepted: 04 July 2017


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Author Biographies

José Eduardo de Miranda

Doctor en Derecho

Andrea Corrêa Lima

Mestranda en Derecho-UNICESUMAR/Brasil

How to Cite
de Miranda, José Eduardo, and Andrea Corrêa Lima. 2021. “Educación, formación Humana Y Valores Cooperativos: Una Propuesta De revitalización De Las prácticas Educativas brasileñas Para El Rescate Del Hombre Social Y Fraterno”. Deusto Estudios Cooperativos, no. 9 (March), 87-107.

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